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nzeb prva radionica city workshops (1)

First nZEB Ready Cities Working Group meeting was held

The city representatives of the working group on the nZEB Ready project shared their experiences and presented implemented and planned nZEB projects in their area.

On Tuesday, March 14, 2023, representatives from Croatia, Poland, Romania, Portugal, and Bulgaria attended the first of four online meetings of the nZEB Ready Cities Working Group.

The working group from Croatia included the City of Koprivnica and the City of Varazdin as they plan to build buildings according to the nZEB standard.

At the workshops, which will be held three more times in June, September, and January, city representatives will present their plans, the challenges they face when creating nZEB solutions, and the challenges of hiring workers familiar with this building construction standard.

You can read more about the nZEB ready project at this link.
