
REA North held a professional conference and info day Applying Innovative Approaches to Achive nZEB
On Monday, October 28, 2024, a professional conference and info day titled „Applying Innovative Approaches to Achieve nZEB“ was held at the Creative Industries Incubator

REA North in Koprivnica is organizing a professional conference titled Applying Innovative Approaches to Achieve nZEB
Regional Energy Agency North, with support from the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, is organizing a professional conference and info day titled „Applying Innovative

REA North is organizing an nZEB training module on General Skills Related to nZEB MEP
Regional Energy Agency North on October 30 and 31, 2024, at the Creative Industry Incubator ENTER, located at Trg dr. Žarka Dolinara 18, Koprivnica will

REA North in Varazdin held a training on General skills related to nZEB construction and Civil engineer skills for nZEB execution
On September 26th and 27th 2024 in the multimedia hall of the Tech Park Varazdin, Regional Energy Agency North held a training session on General

REA North in Varazdin is organizing an nZEB training module on General Skills Related to nZEB Construction
Regional Energy Agency North, in collaboration with the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Varazdin, on September 26 and 27, 2024, starting at 9:00

REA North in Sofia presented National baseline assessment on underperforming renovations – CROATIA
Damir Mandic, Head of Business Development at REA North, presented the study on the current state of energy renovation of public sector buildings in Croatia during the final conference of the nZEB Ready project, specifically during the joint workshop of the OutPHit, nZEB Ready, SMART2, and DiVIRTUE projects, titled “Skills and Knowledge for High Performance Buildings,” held on August 22, 2024, in Sofia (Bulgaria).

REA North participated in the final conference of the nZEB Ready project in Sofia
Employees of REA North participated on August 22 in Sofia (Bulgaria) at the final conference of the nZEB Ready project, and the following day, on August 23, 2024, at the 7th partner meeting of the project.

Final Conference and Joint Workshop of the nZEB Ready Project at the End of August in Sofia
After three years of implementation, the end of summer is reserved for the final conference of the nZEB Ready project and the joint workshop of the OutPHit, nZEB Ready, SMART2, and DiVIRTUE projects, which will be held on August 22, 2024, at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria.

Second Meeting of the RuralMED Mobility Project Held in Thessaloniki
Employees of REA North, Zvonimir Perko and Ilija Beljan, from July 1st to 4th 2024. participated in the second meeting of the project “Development of E-Mobility in Rural and Remote Areas of the Mediterranean – RuralMED Mobility” in Thessaloniki (Greece).

Replication Workshop of the nZEB Ready Project Held in Sveti Martin na Muri
As part of the final activities of the nZEB Ready project, REA North held a replication workshop on June 13, 2024, in Sveti Martin na Muri, which was attended by representatives from 14 different municipalities, cities, as well as energy and development agencies.

REA North in Split held an an nZEB training module on the topic of energy renovation and the construction of new buildings according to the nZEB standard
Last week, on May 23rd and 24th, 2024, Damir Mandic, Business Development Manager at REA North, and Matej Viljevac, Energy Advisor at REA North, held an nZEB training module for employees of the City of Split on the possibilities of energy renovation of existing buildings and construction of new buildings according to the nZEB standard.

Another nZEB training on the Application of Bioclimatic Design once again attracts over 70 participants
Regional Energy Agency North, in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, and with the support of the Croatian Green Building Council, held another online training session on May 16 and 17, 2024, following the one on April 18, 2024, which also gathered over 70 participants. This event reaffirmed the significant interest in the topic of bioclimatic design.