At the beginning of this week, on Tuesday, February 27th, REA North held an nZEB training in Varazdin on the topic of Thermal bridges evaluation-infrared evaluation.
The training was organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, Tech Park Varazdin, and the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians Varazdin.
The one-day training module, led by Professor Bojan Milovanovic from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, took place at the premises of Tech Park Varazdin. Participants of the training had the opportunity to learn about the use and principles of working with a thermographic camera for detecting thermal bridges in buildings.
The training was part of the activities of the nZEB Ready and BUS GoCircular projects funded by the Horizon2020 program.

Upon its completion, participants earned credits for professional development, and a Certificate of Completion was provided to them.