On March 14 and 15, 2024, at the premises of the Technology Innovation Center Medjimurje in Cakovec, Regional Energy Agency North, as part of the activities of the nZEB Ready and BUS GoCircular projects funded by the Horizon 2020 program, held a training session o air permeability in buildings.
The training was organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, the Medjimurje Energy Agency, and the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Medjimurje, and it brought together designers, architects, technicians, workers, and other interested parties from the wider area of Cakovec and Medjimurje.

Participants of the training had the opportunity to learn all about the equipment needed for air permeability testing, testing methods, possible solutions for air permeability, and the training concluded with a demonstration of the Blower Door test on one of the rooms at the Technology Innovation Center Medjimurje.
Upon completion of the training, participants earned points for professional development, and they were provided with a Certificate of Completion.

Regional Energy Agency North will continue its educational activities as part of the nZEB Ready project, and on March 27, 2024, they announce a new training session on the Thermal bridges evaluation – infrared evaluation, which will also be held at the Technology Innovation Center Medjimurje in Cakovec.
A link for interested participants to register for the training will be published later.