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REA North is organizing another webinar on the topic of Application of Bioclimatic Design

Considering the great interest in the first webinar on the topic of Application of Bioclimatic Design, Regional Energy Agency North, in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, with the support of the Croatian Green Building Council on May 16 and 17, 2024, starting at 09:00 CET is organizing another nZEB ready webinar on the same topic.

This webinar will once again be hosted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bojan Milovanovic.

This educational event includes several modules, with the first one focusing on the discussion of nZEB design principles and bioclimatic design principles (Are there any similarities?). Within the webinar, you will receive answers to questions such as “Why is it important to analyze location and climatic characteristics?”, “What are green roofs?”, and “What are urban heat islands?”. Additionally, the webinar will cover the possibilities of renewable energy sources application and the smart materials and materials with reduced environmental impact.

The education is completely FREE and will be held ONLINE with mandatory prior registration, which you can complete at the following LINK.

After registration and upon the expiration of the registration deadline, all registrants will receive a link for registration on the ZOOM platform. Furthermore, it’s emphasized that all webinar participants will earn credits as part of the professional development awarded by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb.

Please confirm your participation in the webinar no later than May 15, 2024, by 12:00 CET.
