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REA North is organizing in Varazdin a training module on the evaluation/assessment of thermal bridges using a thermal camera

REA North in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, the Tech Park Varazdin, and the Society of Civil Engineers and Technicians Varazdin, is organizing nZEB training in Varazdin on February 27 and 28, 2024.

The event is aimed at designers, engineers, and all those interested in informing and educating about the evaluation of thermal bridges using a thermal camera.

The announced training module will take place at the Tech Park Varazdin (ground floor – multimedia hall), located at Zagrebacka ulica 89, starting at 09:30 AM.

The training is part of the activities of the nZEB Ready and BUS GoCircular projects, funded by the Horizon2020 program.

It will cover practical applications of thermographic measurements and theoretical knowledge transfer related to managing a thermal camera.

The education during the training is scheduled for one day with free participation, accredited for professional development points, and a Certificate of Completion provided for all participants. Registration for the training module on the evaluation of thermal bridges using a thermal camera on February 27 is possible through the following LINK.
