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REA North organized a study tour of the Tech Park and Student Dormitory Varazdin

At the beginning of the week REA North organized a study tour of the Tech Park Varazdin and the Student Dormitory Varazdin for representatives of public administration.

The purpose of the study tour was to raise awareness and acquaint representatives of public administration from Varazdin and Koprivnica with the benefits of constructing nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB).

Special attention during the tour was focused on presenting the elements of renewable energy sources in the Student Dormitory and the Tech Park.

The tour of the Student Dormitory in Varazdin was organized with the guidance of the maintenance manager of the Student Dormitory, who introduced the participants to the technical aspects of the building and explained how the end-users should use and behave in the building.

The tour of the Tech Park Varazdin was organized with the guidance of Tech Park’s director, Mr. Vedran Bubalo.

After the study tour was completed, energy experts from REA North conducted a brief interview with the event participants who expressed their satisfaction with the presented examples of nZEB buildings and their understanding of the guidelines for planning future nZEB projects in public administration.
