Employees of REA North participated on August 22 in Sofia (Bulgaria) at the final conference of the nZEB Ready project, and the following day, on August 23, 2024, at the 7th partner meeting of the project.
During the final conference, a joint workshop of the OutPHit, nZEB Ready, SMART2, and DiVIRTUE projects was held under the title Skills and Knowledge for High-Performance Buildings, focusing on innovation and knowledge exchange, intended for architects, engineers, energy consultants, and anyone connected to sustainable construction in some way.
Damir Mandic, Head of Business Development at REA North, through the topic Training and education to enhance market readiness for nearly zero energy buildings, presented the activities of educating professionals that REA North has carried out through the nZEB Ready project in Croatia.

At the end of the final conference, a joint visit of the partners of the OutPHit, nZEB Ready, SMART2, and DiVIRTUE projects was organized to the Bulgarian Passive House Shop, where the principles of construction and the materials used in the construction of passive houses were presented.

The final 7th partner meeting of the nZEB Ready project was held the following day, August 23, during which the partners discussed the final activities remaining until the end of the project. Damir Mandic presented the results of activities aimed at raising public awareness about nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB), conducting interactive training sessions for representatives of public administration and experts in the fields of construction, architecture, and mechanical engineering, as well as providing guidelines for the implementation of public procurement procedures to stimulate demand for nZEB construction skills.