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REA North presented the nZEB Ready project at the Energy Cities Annual Event in Modena

Representatives of the Regional Energy Agency North from Croatia participated last week at the Energy Cities Annual Event held in Modena, where they had the opportunity to present the objectives of the nZEB Ready project as well as the project results achieved so far to the representatives of cities and municipalities.

From 18 to 20 October 2023 it was inspiring to see how cities across EU confidently march towards the sustainable and decarbonize Europe.

It was the right time and the right place to exchange with the best and to make synergies with the similar initiatives which strive to make the nZEB transition as easier as possible for all participants of the value chain.

nZEB Ready project was presented within the “Learn and share area” in the sustainable buildings cluster where participants had the opportunity to share experiences or to seek additional information about the project through informal conversation with our experts.

The participants were particularly interested in the nZEB training module for local authorities as well as in Guidance document for Public Procurement of nearly Zero Energy Buildings which is outlining practical how-to methods and material to directly support procurers and in particular explaining approaches to the construction itself.

Overall, it was a fruitful and unforgettable experience and most valuable of all is that key takeaways will be used in the project in order to shape our final outputs dedicated to public authorities.
