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Regional workshop “Ready for nZEB” held in Virovitica

Regional workshop “Ready for nZEB” organized by the Regional Energy Agency North took place on Thursday, January 25th at the Virovitica City Council.

The workshop aimed to connect citizens and contractors applying nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) standards, providing information and encouraging citizens to engage in energy renovations.

Participants were introduced to the principles of nZEB construction, and during the workshop, citizens were also informed about financing possibilities and the announced conditions for energy renovation of family homes under the upcoming call from the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (FZOEU).

Energy experts from the Regional Energy Agency North presented ways in which the agency can assist citizens in their intention to energetically renovate their homes, according to the conditions published at the end of December 2023 and the criteria for the energy renovation of family houses in 2024. Emphasis was placed on the importance of involving certified and educated contractors in energy renovation projects.

Following the presentation of contractors, citizens had the opportunity for initial networking with representatives from MontRivic – TROHA-DIL, DEGAL tehnika, Elektromontaza Kenjeric, and Centrometal. These companies explained the possibilities and advantages of their projects in line with the nearly Zero Energy Building standard.

As part of the regional workshop program “Ready for nZEB” and the associated event, the Solar Roofs for Green Virovitica (Green VTC) project was introduced. This project resulted in the installation of seven photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of public buildings in Virovitica, along with the European City Facility project. The “Ready for nZEB” regional workshop was held as part of the activities of the EU project nZEB Ready, and the organizers expressed their gratitude to the contractors MontRivic – TROHA-DIL, DEGAL tehnika, Elektromontaža Kenjeric, and Centrometal for their participation in the event.
