As part of the RoboPetak program, Zvonimir Perko gave a presentation on augmented reality as part of the Green Aura project in the Koprivnica library.
He presented an interactive game of sustainable augmented reality of the City of Koprivnica to children from 9 to 13.
As we previously wrote, instruction boards and interactive 3D AR content launched using the Equinox XR application were installed at 14 locations in the city of Koprivnica.
The application aims to inform all age groups about energy efficiency in an understandable way.

With it, everyone interested can participate in the augmented reality game.
Mirko Reciklirko follows them along the way and introduces them to content related to energy, energy efficiency, recycling, renewable energy sources, etc.
If you are also interested in how you can participate in augmented reality, look at the picture below, where you can find all the instructions for downloading the application.

With this presentation, Zvonimir wanted to make the attendees aware that they should visit all the locations in the city and learn something new about energy, mainly because the most skillful players will also receive prizes!
The lecture was held in the Makerspace, where employees of the Koprivnica Fran Galović library encourage new forms of learning, especially in computer science, natural sciences, and technology.

This project is financed by Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020.