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Continued activities on the nZEB Ready project

A meeting of nZEB Ready project partners was held in the city of Lodz (Poland), where participants shared information on the project’s progress within each partner country and agreed on the next steps.

As part of the activities, it’s planned to organize the first regional workshop on the nZEB standard and a brokerage event in their countries.

nzeb poland meeting

At this event, contractors, shop owners, financial institutions, government representatives, building owners, decision makers, and all other interested citizens will be able to share their needs or offer their services.

Info points about the nZEB standard will be set up in DIY stores where equipment or materials are available to achieve the nZEB standard, and project partners will counsel interested citizens.

Furthermore, study trips/visits to existing buildings that are examples of good practice will be organized, and webinars about nZEB standards will be held.

Specialized training programs for contractors, designers, and public administration on the nZEB standard will soon be organized to familiarize the target groups with the advantages of nZEB buildings.

The partners’ meeting was held in the office space and research center of the partner Pro-Akademia, which consists of two buildings built according to the nZEB building construction standard.

pro-academia poland

This means that the building’s energy needs are almost entirely settled from RES.

A heat pump and a biomass boiler are used for heating, hot water is prepared using solar collectors, and photovoltaic power plants in both buildings and auxiliary facilities produce electricity.

The systems are managed by the BMS (Building Management System), which enables an optimal level of comfort throughout the year with the optimal use of renewable energy sources. Employees who drive to work in electric cars have a fast charging station at their disposal.

About the nZEB Ready project

The nZEB Ready project is co-financed from the Horizon2020 programme and brings together eight partners from six EU countries, while REA North is the only partner from Croatia. The project plans to answer three key questions: Why nZEB, who can deliver nZEB, and how to reach nZEB?

The project’s main goal is to increase the market’s readiness for the effective implementation of nZEB projects and to stimulate the demand for workers and experts who will have the necessary skills in the energy efficiency and sustainable construction field.
