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High school students from Varazdin will learn about the nZEB building construction standard

The first workshop for students of high school programs in the field of construction will be held at the Architectural, natural science and mining school Varazdin on February 2nd, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. as part of the nZEB Ready project.

At this workshop, students will learn about the nZEB standard for the construction of new buildings (nZEB – nearly Zero Energy Buildings), and it will consist of 2 activities:

  • introductory lecture on nZEB
  • a lecture by a student from the Zagreb association SUPEUS who will talk about their activities in the field of energy efficiency

Another workshop is planned for February 9th, in which people with extensive experience working in energy efficiency and nZEB will talk to students about nZEB, so that future generations of experts will be familiar with the challenges that await them.

This is a continuation of the activities on the project, whose main goals are to enhance the market readiness to implement quality nZEB projects as much as possible and to stimulate the demand for skilled workers and experts in the field of energy efficiency and sustainable construction.

Both workshops aim to teach students new construction trends in a fun way and prepare them for the labor market.

About the nZEB Ready project

The nZEB Ready project is co-financed from the Horizon2020 programme and brings together eight partners from six EU countries, while REA North is the only partner from Croatia. The project plans to answer three key questions: Why nZEB, who can deliver nZEB, and how to reach nZEB?

The project’s main goal is to increase the market’s readiness for the effective implementation of nZEB projects and to stimulate the demand for workers and experts who will have the necessary skills in the energy efficiency and sustainable construction field.
