Regional Energy Agency North, in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb and with the support of the Croatian Green Building Council, held an online nZEB training on April 18 and 19, 2024, on the topic of “Application of Bioclimatic Design.“
The training was part of the activities of the nZEB Ready project, a Horizon2020 program for professionals in the fields of construction and architecture.
Attendees had the opportunity to learn from the lecture by Professor Bojan Milovanovic from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb about the definition and key features of bioclimatic design, as well as concepts such as bioclimatic buildings, green roofs, and healthy living in buildings.

Around 70 participants attended the online training, demonstrating significant interest in the application of bioclimatic design.
As a result, REA North will organize another online training on this topic in the first half of May 2024.

All interested individuals are invited to follow the communication channels of REA North to stay informed about the date and registration details for the online training, thereby expanding their knowledge in the field of energy-efficient construction.