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Regional workshop “Ready for nZEB” held in Virovitica

Regional workshop “Ready for nZEB” organized by the Regional Energy Agency North took place on Thursday, January 25th at the Virovitica City Council.
The workshop aimed to connect citizens and contractors applying nZEB (nearly Zero Energy Building) standards, providing information and encouraging citizens to engage in energy renovations.

A nZEB training module on building airtightness held in Varazdin

On December 7 and 8, 2023, in the premises of the Technology Park Varazdin, Regional Energy Agency North, in collaboration with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Zagreb, City of Varazdin, and the Society of Civil Engineers and Technicians of the City of Varazdin, conducted a training module on the topic of testing building airtightness.

REA North in Koprivnica held the 2nd nZEB training

Regional Energy Agency North continued with the implementation of the nZEB Ready project, holding the 2nd nZEB training on November 22 and 23, 2023, at the Public Open University in Koprivnica, Croatia, focusing on the topic “Calculation of Thermal Bridges.”

“nZEB becomes ZEB” conference held in Koprivnica

Yesterday, November 20, 2023, the Regional Energy Agency North organized an expert conference titled “nZEB becomes ZEB” with the aim of informing and educating the professional public about the transition from the existing nZEB standard to the zero-emission building standard.